Oh No

My blog is dying I havent gotten more than a few visits now that I havent posted in a few days.

Heres a quick pic everyone will enjoy.

Herald Tribune in a pickle

So I love to take peoples photos but it can be hard to get willing people.  Two out of the three photos taken below by me are of people I know.  Each has a different story.  The last photo is about the title.

The first one below was taken with my converted non ai 45mm lens.(see few posts down for info)Its is really old and hard to focus correctly.
This photo has some great bokeh in the background.  Bokeh is the circles out of focus light makes in the background.  This photo has some from the water reflecting.

This second one was more of a"look at me" photo that I snapped off real quick.  More funny than anything, decided to put this one up because its another good friend of mine and she is trying to get into photography.  Id call this one "Weird Perspective"

LOL, Finally, this last one is my favorite. Was walking downtown and saw this guy.  I'm not going to take side on this matter, but it sucks for both him and the company that they have to let people go the day before Christmas.

Enjoy!!! Don't steal my images

Adventure Downtown

Went downtown again today.  Just was kind of messing around taking random photos.  These three were my favorite.  Comment what you think about them.

I think my post processing is getting a little better.  Enjoy. Click the links at the bottom of the page.

Wildlife Hunt

Went out with a friend today, just to mess around and take some photos about the town.  We went to take photos of this nice bring in Sarasota but got distracted by all the wildlife that was near by.

I'm surprised they let me get this close to them.  Have fun looking.


Bird Landing

Converted Non Ai Lens

Today I took my dads Nikkor 45mm 1:2.8 lens that is non Ai and tried converting it.  I looked up how to do it online and it didnt seem to hard. 
Instead of filing down the aperture ring, I just took it off.  The only reason I wanted the lens was because it is good in low light.  So i kept it on f-stop 2.8, put the lens back together and started using it.

This is the lens, it is very short and stubby.  Only about a inch and a half thick.
Here is the first good photo I took with it.  My dad wanted a photo of our dog and I think this came out pretty good.

Pretty sharp for a 1960's lens.  I like.  A little bokeh in the back too

Art Show

Came across this art show that was taking place last weekend in downtown Sarasota.  it was filled with the typical junk but had a great display of artwork that made the show cool.

As we were leaving a nice lady who had some neat clothing ask if I could her photo.  I agreed and email these two too her.  I wish I had had more time, but this is as good as they get for a 30 second photo shoot.  Followed by some acrylic paints.


Please do not copy or use my artwork in anyway.  Thank You

Shutter Speeds Made Simple


The shutter speed on a camera is very important on a camera.  The shutter speed is how long the camera keeps the mirror of the camera open.  Depending on what subject you are shooting, depends on how long your going to want to keep the shutter speed open for.

Lets start with some examples,
Your out at a football game and you want to stop the action so that it is in focus while everyone is running around.  It would be acceptable to put your shutter speed anywhere from 1/200th all the way up to 1/2000th of a second.
Here is a good example

This was taken at 1/500th of a second

Now on the other hand.  Lets say you want to slow stuff down so that its blurred.  You will want to get a tripod so the things not moving in your picture aren't blurry.  Anything from 1/40th to 30 seconds of a shutter speed will make the effect of long car lights and night time wonder worlds.

Hope this helps out, if you have anymore questions please comment and I will get back to you on your problems.

Please do not copy or use my artwork in anyway.  Thank You

Molly Rockin Out

We found some cool headphone and went out and took some photos.
This one was the best out of the set.  I did some work on the skin and teeth.  Maybe too much on the teeth :)

German Powered

Love these little cars and they are great to slide around.  Especially on dirt.
Found a cool little spot, not someones property and start taking photos.  This is one of my favorites from the set.
Hope you enjoy it too.

Railroad Track Photoshoot

I use a Nikon D80 for most of my work if not all.  I have a nice nikkor 18-138mm lens that does the job well but doesnt get the sharpness that I really want.  I also have a speedlight that I use to light up certain things.

I was using my friends 50mm 1.8 lens today and got some decent result.  This is urging me to buy a nikon 50mm 1.4 lens for my camera.


Welcome 2010

So with 2010 upon us, I wanted to start by making my photo blog right this time.  It has a very simple design that lets you view my photos in the easiest fashion.  Please comment and critique my work any way you see necessary.  Enjoy!!!

To start off I will be posting an old favorite of mine.

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