Herald Tribune in a pickle

So I love to take peoples photos but it can be hard to get willing people.  Two out of the three photos taken below by me are of people I know.  Each has a different story.  The last photo is about the title.

The first one below was taken with my converted non ai 45mm lens.(see few posts down for info)Its is really old and hard to focus correctly.
This photo has some great bokeh in the background.  Bokeh is the circles out of focus light makes in the background.  This photo has some from the water reflecting.

This second one was more of a"look at me" photo that I snapped off real quick.  More funny than anything, decided to put this one up because its another good friend of mine and she is trying to get into photography.  Id call this one "Weird Perspective"

LOL, Finally, this last one is my favorite. Was walking downtown and saw this guy.  I'm not going to take side on this matter, but it sucks for both him and the company that they have to let people go the day before Christmas.

Enjoy!!! Don't steal my images


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